Self-introduction: Three things I know to be true

What are three things you know to be true? Think about three unique things about yourself and write a self-introduction explaining your three things.
Here are three things about me:
1. Nabi
2. 45
3. Yoga
Can you guess what these things mean to me? Now write your own "Three things you know to be true". Add an introduction, body (3 paragraphs each explaining your 3 things) and a conclusion.
Speech Writing
All students will write a speech and perform it in front of the class. Four students will be chosen to compete in the Speech Contest during the last week of camp. For week 1, choose your topic and start brainstorming about your speech.
Week 2
Movie Review- Princess Bride Classes 15 & 16
Last week we watched the movie "The Princess Bride". This movie was made in 1987 and directed by Rob Reiner. The genre is fairy tale or romantic, comedy, adventure. Now it is time to write a review about the movie. In your review, you need to include the following:
* Genre
You can watch the trailer below:
Now let's write a review. The movie review should include an introduction where you should introduce the movie, the genre, when it was made, the director and a brief introduction to the movie.
In the body of the essay, explain the plot, characters and setting in one or 2 paragraphs. In another paragraph explain your opinion and answer these questions:
1. What lessons can you learn from this movie?
2. What qualities of leadership can you learn from the characters in "The Princess Bride"?
Grandson (sick boy)
Buttercup (Princess)
Prince Humperdinck
Fezzik (giant)
Inigo (Spanish sword fighter)
Vizzini (smart man who dies)
Count Rugen (six fingered man)
Miracle Max (brings Westley back to life)
Dread Pirate Roberts (Westley was actually this man in black)
Cliffs of insanity
Shrieking Eels
Fire Swamp (lightning sand, R.O.U.S.- Rodents of Unusual Size)
Forrest of Thieves
Pit of despair
Finally, write a conclusion summarizing what you wrote in your review. The movie review needs to be a minimum of 500 words.
Speech Writing
Last week you were brainstorming and thinking of an idea for your speech. This week you need to complete your outline for the speech and write your first draft.
On Thursday, there will be an in-class speech contest and 2 students will be selected to compete in the GLPS Speech contest in week 3.
Week 3
Photo Essay: One Picture Every Day
A photo essay tells a story using pictures. This week you will choose 7 pictures to tell a story. A famous saying is that "A picture is worth a thousand words". We will not be writing that many words but we will be writing a paragraph about each picture. You can use your own photos if you have some or if not choose photos from the internet related to your theme. If you do this include the link to where the pictures are from.
Cesar Kuriyama has been doing a similar project called "One Second Every Day" project. You can watch it here:
So let's get started with our version of Cesar Kuriyama's idea. Before you begin, think about these things:
Choose a topic

So let's get started. Start with an introduction telling us your theme and briefly describing each photo you chose. Under each picture, write a caption with is a short sentence describing the picture then write a paragraph describing what the picture is. Lastly, write a conclusion summarizing what you wrote. Remember to have fun!
To see my photo essay called: A Journey through Time & Places, click here.
Other Week 3 Assignments
Once you are finished your photo essay, try one or all of these writing assignments.
Diamante Poems
Diamante poems are fun to write. Below you will see a diagram which shows you the structure of a "Diamante Poem." As you can see, it is shaped like a diamond, and that's where it gets its name.
Bucket List
Have you ever heard the expression "kick the bucket"? No, well let me explain what it means. The expression means to die. So a bucket list is a list of things you want to do before you die. There is a movie called "The Bucket List" that explores this idea:
Now you may be thinking you are too young to create a bucket list but even 4 year olds are doing this. Check out this inspiring video about a little boy in Africa:
Think of 10 things you want to experience, try or learn in your lifetime. Write an introduction and a short paragraph about each item on your list and a conclusion. Write this as a post and also write a list on the "Home" page. Check out my list as an example.
To do this, go to "Layout" and select "Gadget" then select "Lists" and type each item on your list. I look forward to seeing what is on your bucket list!
An ode is a poem in praise of someone or something. for this project we will create an ode to an inanimate object, that means something that is not living but we will personify it (give it human qualities).Here is an example of an ode that my dog Nabi wrote:
Ode to Wide Open Spaces
Dear Wide Open Space,
How I love to run free in you. You welcome me with your never-ending charm and mystery. As far as my little eyes can see, there is you. No buildings, no cars, no people, and no other dogs. How strange it is to see nothing but open space. You are free and endless. Not bound by rules, fences or fears. I envy your courage to be open to all who come your way.
As I marvel at you, I wonder where are the tall buildings that usually surround me? Where are the honking horns? Where are the people cluttering the sidewalks? Where are the tiny dogs that bark their hellos?
Nothing here but you. Space. I drink in the silence, the trees rustling in the wind and the birds chirping in the distance. Oh nature of grass and trees, birds and bees. You wrap around me like a hug and I embrace you. The silence is deafening and the space frees me.
I run trying to find the end of you. Running fast and free but I never reach your edges. Like the air I breathe, you keep going to eternity. I have always been surrounded by things but now I am surrounded by openness. You. Stay with me and I will stay with you.
Woof! Woof!
Your friend and admirer,
Now you give it a try. I look forward to reading your odes!
Now you give it a try. I look forward to reading your odes!
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